Musings of a Madman

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2006-04-25 - 9:09 a.m.

Quick post today,

Current projects:
Fight Practices, when and where I can get to them
Slow work with T,Jasper,Allan,and Nichelle
Designing the hyper-flex armor with Nichelle and her Mom (strangely enough this is helping me figure out the problems with mine)(totally different body styles and armor styles though)it's gonna look cool though!
Pell work around the yard
De-clutrification at the house(a never ending process)
Prep for the next 5 weeks (event,work,lateshift/oncall,event,event)

and the ongoing saga of of a squire in search of a lady......(comments accepted)

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about me - read my profile! read other Diar
yLand diaries! recommend my diary to a friend! Get
 your own fun + free diary at! Live Journal link - 2006-05-01
Project s - 2006-04-25
Open Letter to All Atlantian Squires - 2006-04-20
7 deadly sins meme - 2006-04-11
Social note and an elemental meme - 2006-04-08