Musings of a Madman

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The Outcome and The Plan contact me older entries

2006-03-21 - 10:51 a.m.

First, I am OK in many ways. Thank you to those who voiced their concern and support. And Yes I have talked to my mom so she knows now. I was put on a schedule last year to have certain tests done periodically. A couple of weeks ago was one of those, a fasting blood screen. This was 2 weeks into a new diet plan for me that seems to be working very well (9 pounds in the last 2 weeks, 17 total for the 4 weeks) the screen showed an abnormally high blood sugar for me 230. So, we planned a non fasting, 2 hour after meal test plus an A1C. To the uninformed this is a periodic test given to diabetics and Insulin-resistant patients to measure long term sugar content in the blood.

My A1C was a little high 9.5 My sugar was down to 180. Well in the right direction. So more meds, a little more restrictive diet plan (no skipping of meals, dammit) but I feel heathy and informed now, and have been told by my Doc that I am doing all the right things. No I am not diabetic, just still overweight and a little insulin resistant. My ultimae goal, between 220 and 210. So about 80 pounds to go and maintinance after that.

Someone also chose to make me smile and motivate me last week, Thank you for that.

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